Release Me

If you have no plans tonight you should come on down to LBC to see four of our finest local bands performing on stage at the Rainbow Harbor. I actually just found out about this by chance last nite when I saw a little poster advertising this exciting event in my local bar. What are you waiting for…it’s free!!

Music by:

5:15 PM : The Brook Lee Catastrophe

6:15 PM : Tijuana Panthers

7:15 PM : The Fling

8:15 PM : Delta Spirit

Pictures of Lily…

make my life so wonderful…

Lily oh Lily, Lily oh Lily…

Isn’t she the cutest?! Lily also makes the cutest grunting noises right now. ~sigh~ I want one now!! Fergus needs a buddy!

Read more about Lily and her proud mama here.

*I was wrong about thinking she’d smell like marshmallows but she sure does feel like one.

Renegade Craft Fair

Despite my sore legs and burnt skin,  I mustered what was left of my energy and took my lil’ sissy to the Renegade Craft Fair on Sunday. This time around the fair was at the L.A. Historic Park or what used to be the cornfields next to Chinatown. We had a fun time even though it was all hot and sunny and packed with people. They really should spread them booths out more though, I kept on bumping into people. Natty and I bought a few jewelry pieces but my favorite thing I saw at the fair was this painting:

I mean, family portraits like this are always funny to look at but that blue bunny illustration cracks me up every time I look at it.

Mount Woodson Trail

Let me start off by saying this trail will work your buns off! I had no idea how intense this Mount Woodson Trail was when I joined my friends on an early Saturday morning. You start off by the lake and then hike up the Mt. Woodson Trail and then all the way up to the “Potato Chip” rock. Frankly, the potato chip was kinda small and I wished it was more interesting and larger. Anyway, I took a cool picture of Debra doing her “proud warrior” on it.

I had a good time despite getting at least 2 shades darker (I reapplied sunscreen throughout the hike) and getting a mild case of heat exhaustion. My buns & shins are still sore 3 days later but it was a great workout. The scenery is mostly dust, rocks & boulders, a few shrubs, and dust dust dust. We were pretty filthy when we finished, especially me since I slipped and fell on my bum!

If you decide to go, make sure to bring at least 2 bottles of water, some snacks, wear a hat, and apply plenty of sunscreen. I’m just happy to now say, “I’VE CLIMBED A MOUNTAIN!!”

The Huntington Library

Summer is finally here and in full vengeance, at least it felt like it in Pasadena when I went to The Huntington Library and it was 100°F.  I forget how beautiful and impressive the gardens are. It was a lovely time (minus the heat), walking amongst all the pretty plants & trees and seeing all the art. We didn’t even get to visit all the gardens since The Huntington is so massive and the heat was getting to us. I definitely want to go back again but maybe when it’s a bit cooler.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Entrance to the Chinese Gardens

that's a big urn!