Sorry for the lack of posts but it’s been utter madness for me these couple of weeks with work. Luckily I am finishing all the last details of my projects and will get a bit of a break soon. Ew, but jury duty will arrive in a couple of weeks so booooooooo on that!

Anyway, I’m going to do a few fun things this weekend and that’s finally seeing the Tim Burton exhibit at LACMA and going to see Puss in Boots (don’t laugh, I adore Puss!).

For those of you in LA, the Tim Burton exhibit ends on Tim’s favourite holiday, Halloween. The exhibit stays open ALL night on sunday and ends at midnight monday. Tickets must be purchased prior to and most of the time slots have been sold out but check the later times, you will have a better chance of getting in.

and lofl, this still makes me crack up every time I watch it:


I’m still on my Beirut high.

The show at the Greek was pretty magical. Zach & co. did not disappoint at all and I already want to see them again. They were pretty tight live and if you haven’t seen Beirut live, I highly suggest it!

2007, The Flying Club Cup

Well it’s been a long time, long time now
since I’ve seen you smile
And I’ll gamble away my fright
and I’ll gamble away my time
And in a year, a year or so
this will slip into the sea
Well it’s been a long time, long time now
since I’ve seen you smile

Weekend Rewind//Aquarium of the Pacific

Another magical day at the Aquarium of the Pacific this past weekend.

This shark gave my sister the biggest fright!

I luv this little Porcupine fish

This is seriously one of my favorite places to visit in Long Beach. This aquarium has it all, a shark lagoon, a Lorikeet Forest, sea lions, puffins, otters, arctic foxes (sadly it was closed), and an abundant amount of fishes from the Pacific Ocean. On certain Fridays the Shark Lagoon is open till 9pm and is free to the public.

I had so much fun with my sister and we even saw a DOUBLE RAINBOW as we left!!

Tonight I’m going to see Beirut at the Greek ~ WHOOT!! I hope it doesn’t rain on me.