Let the Day Begin//BRMC


Oh man I am super excited to see BRMC tomorrow night. I haven’t seen them in years and to be honest stopped following them after Baby 81. I’ve seen them numerous times though but I’m especially stoked because my friend, who I am going with, won a contest to a “meet & greet” with the band before the show! Gosh, I hope I act cool and not nerd out in front of them, I will die!


~sigh~ Just look at Peter & Robert! I really don’t know how I will be able to contain myself.

*2013, Specter at the Feast



01. bootie \\ 02. pendleton \\ 03. kamali \\ 04. slip dress (I already own this dress in a different color, this color is so pretty!) \\ 05. dress

Sorry guys for the lack of posts. I’ve been uber busy with work, juggling too many jobs at the same time. No complaints though, busy = $$$, more stuff to buy!!