Apologies for the lack of posts, it’s been a crazy busy month for me(not that I am complaining). I’m really excited about one of my jobs at the moment because it has nothing to do with apparel. I really cannot say much until it is complete but I will say that I do get to paint and it is in a creative field.

I have to admit, it’s been pretty hectic juggling 4-5 different jobs at once but if you freelance you know what I mean. You take whatever comes your way because it may be “crickets” the next week.

Anyway, in the middle of this craze I managed to take one day off and go to Universal Studios with the family. I had a blast there. My favorite by far was the The Simpsons ride. It’s a wild ride projected on a  80 ft. diameter dome in high definition. You really feel like you are in the ride, sooo much fun! My mother, sister, and I screamed and laughed ourselves silly non-stop throughout the whole thing. OOh, we even had a minor celebrity citing! British actor, Rufus Sewell and his son was in line behind us!! I do have to say he is much better looking in person and he totally made my mother’s day.

Every ride I went on was fun, even the tram ride! The new King Kong 360 3-D was awesome but waaay too short. Shrek 4-D was a blast and a great experience. We all went on the Jurassic Park ride twice and by the second time I was completely drenched. All in all it was a nice break from my busy schedule.

Can’t Stand Me Now//The Libertines

I’m a fan of The Libertines, Babyshambles, and Dirty Pretty Things. Pete Doherty kinda bugs though just because he’s such a disaster. Every time I see a video he’s in I wonder how wasted he was filming it. This is one of my favorite songs from The Libertines. The song is an upbeat song but if you listen to the lyrics it’s actually quite sad, a breakdown of a friendship (clearly between Pete and Carl).

Nevertheless, I like his music. Just lay off the drugs Pete, it’ll be sad if you waste your talent.

Have we enough to keep it together?
Or do we just keep on pretending
And hope our luck is never ending

You tried to pull the wool, I wasn’t feeling too clever
And you take all that they’re lending
Until you needed mending

*2004, The Libertines

Skateboard Shades

I had blogged about Shwood a while back and they have come up with another great way to craft sustainable wood. Seriously, this is too rad for words!

Vodpod videos no longer available.

For more of Shwood’s experiments visit: ExperimentWithNature.com

*update – the skateboard shades was made purely out of curiosity and not for sale. It was made out of their workshop and is a one-off pair – booooo!

If There is Something//Roxy Music

Luuuv this song from Roxy Music, probably one of my favorites. The song starts off as a light honky tonk song but changes midway into a romantic glam rock ballad.

I really like this mesmerizing scene from the film, Flashbacks of a Fool, where the two teenagers lip sync and dance to Roxy Music. This may be the only scene I liked from this depressing film although all the acting was pretty good.

And if I had to choose, it will always be Bowie.

Shake your hair girl with your ponytail
Takes me right back (when you were young)
Throw your precious gifts into the air
Watch them fall down (when you were young)
Lift up your feet and put them on the ground
You used to walk upon (when you were young)
Lift up your feet and put them on the ground
The hills were higher (when we were young)
Lift up your feet and put them on the ground
The trees were taller (when you were young)
Lift up your feet and put them on the ground
The grass was greener (when you were young)
Lift up your feet and put them on the ground
You used to walk upon (when you were young)

*1972, Roxy Music