Pep Ventosa

Such a neat idea, I’d like to try it.

Reconstructed Works – Originally shot in fragments, the puzzle pieces were then reconstructed one by one and then reworked to create a complete narrative space that never actually happened, where the whole travels mysteriously further than what the camera documented.”

See more of Pep’s work here.

Mixology 101

I’m so happy that Portlandia is back!

Vodpod videos no longer available.

“That is a ginger-based bourbon drink infused with honey lemon and chard ice. Then building off of that base, we’ve got cherry tomato, lime zest.  I actually made the bitters myself at home. We’ve got egg whites, eggshell, egg yellows…rotten banana.”

LOFL, soooo true. They just needed to give Andy Samberg facial hair and put him in suspenders.

Watch Portlandia on IFC on Fridays.

Picture Perfect

A much easier way to snap pictures on your iPhone!

“POPA is the big red button for your iPhone camera. Push POPA onto your iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S and the free POPA app springs to life so you can start snapping photos like you used to

via Beep Industries