Why hello BookBook…

Twelve South has this amazing vintage looking leather laptop case that is perfect for my MacBook. They claim it looks just like a hardcover vintage book and not only does it look good, but it “will be out of sight, even when it is sitting in plain view. This presents a whole new way to protect a MacBook from being stolen – hiding it in plain sight.”

My only comment is if it looks so awesome, wouldn’t it make a thief pick it up to examine it and then steal it?! I still want one though…

Beach House, “Teen Dream”

It’s another rainy day here in LA but listening to Baltimore’s  Beach House, “Teen Dream”, brings sunshine to this gloomy day. This album is packed with the usual Beach House dreaminess and gorgeousness. It’s a bit more upbeat than “Devotion”, which I luved. I was so happy to have seen them performed back in October when they opened up for Grizzly Bear and this third album does not disappoint, be prepared to be swooned off your feet!


Vodpod videos no longer available.

This has all the ingredients of a Jared Hess/Wes Anderson film. It looks pretty damn funny from the trailer and the film actually has been getting pretty good reviews. According to IMDB, “Machotaildrop is a highly visual and fantastical journey about an amateur skateboarder, Walter Rhum, who realizes his dream of turning pro and riding for the world’s greatest skateboard company… Machotaildrop.”

Actually what intrigues me more are the “Manwolfs”, they are very Warriors-like:

Is it wrong that I dig their outfits?